Walking in Madeira: Queimadas to Caldeirão Verde

The start of this walk is located in the Queimadas Park, an area of beautiful, natural forest situated about five kilometres from Santana on the north of the island. In the park you will find many species of ferns and trees, especially   those of the laurisilva forest for which Madeira is famous.  Recently a new parking area has been opened as well as a tearoom. The beautiful Santana type house (A framed, with a thatched roof) which is situated at the start of the walk is also remarkable.

Start of the walk
Start of the walk

The walk is approximately 13 kms there and back. We enjoyed the continuous bird song, and occasional sightings of the Madeira Chaffinch, as well as a sighting right at the end of the walk of the Madeiran trocaz pidgeon. The walk offers wonderful mountain and valley views, and endemic species of trees and ferns. There are several tunnels on the way to the falls, so carry a torch, as well as a light mac.

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