A Ramble on the Mountains above Fontes Village

The tiny village of Fontes inland from Campanario is the starting point for this walk which is essentially a ramble on the mountain side above Fontes. The village has a small bar and the track up the
mountain is on the side of the bar. We did a circular route ending on the road a short distance from Fontes.

Although we did our walk in January and Fontes is quite far up (approximately 950 metres above sea level) we had a lovely sunny day but you should be prepared for all weather, and ideally pick a day when the weather is good. Mid summer would probably not be suitable as there is no shade. We followed a track up the mountains passing a small dwelling on our left. Once we reached the top we had wonderful views of Ribeira Brava and Encumeada and further along we could sight Pico Areiro with its distinctive radar ball.

The locals take up their cattle to graze on the mountain slopes, and some are adorned with bells lending a Swiss atmosphere to the walk.

A walk along the Machico valley: Levada do Caniçal

The little waterhouse at the start of the wlak
The little water house at the start of the walk

A pleasant walk along the Levada do Caniçal. We did an out and back walk joining the levada on the western side of the old Caniçal tunnel (from Machico take the ER214) towards Pico do Facho and Caniçal. A little water house on the levada is the start of the walk.

From the levada path one looks down on the town of Machico as it extends along the levada. The levada path is quite uneven so you will have to take care. After about an hour into the walk the view at the bottom of the valley gives way to agricultural development and small palheiros.
Continue reading “A walk along the Machico valley: Levada do Caniçal”

Walking in Madeira: Queimadas to Caldeirão Verde

The start of this walk is located in the Queimadas Park, an area of beautiful, natural forest situated about five kilometres from Santana on the north of the island. In the park you will find many species of ferns and trees, especially   those of the laurisilva forest for which Madeira is famous.  Recently a new parking area has been opened as well as a tearoom. The beautiful Santana type house (A framed, with a thatched roof) which is situated at the start of the walk is also remarkable.

Start of the walk
Start of the walk

The walk is approximately 13 kms there and back. We enjoyed the continuous bird song, and occasional sightings of the Madeira Chaffinch, as well as a sighting right at the end of the walk of the Madeiran trocaz pidgeon. The walk offers wonderful mountain and valley views, and endemic species of trees and ferns. There are several tunnels on the way to the falls, so carry a torch, as well as a light mac.

Walking in Madeira – Levada do Alecrim

  • Start of Alecrim Levada walk
    Start of Alecrim Levada walk

The levada do Alecrim is an easy, out and back walk (approximately 7 kms in all) and suitable for those who have children. However the path is very uneven due to embedded rocks, so care needs to be taken.

The start to the walk is on the Paul do Serra Plateau, and is situated next to the car park for the Rabaçal, 25 Fontes walk. Fortunately, it is not as popular as the 25 Fontes walk so you will not encounter so many people on the walk. It is also quite shady due to the overhanging Urze, which is the predominant vegetation along with endemic species of broom, Genista tenera (Madeiran Broom) and Teline maderensis (Piorno). As you proceed along the levada you will see magnificent glimpses of the Rabaçal valley and mountains.

Unfortunately, for most of the walk, the levada is now empty as the water has been diverted nearer to the falls, so the wonderful staircase with gushing water alongside which I remember from years back, is not quite so spectacular. Still there are several waterfalls you will encounter before you get to the Madre (source) of the levada, which is absolutely breath-taking – a cascade of water, creating a natural pool below.

Walking in Madeira – Pico das Pedras, Santana to Queimadas

This verdant walk from Parque Florestal, Pico Das Pedras in Santana to Quiemadas is a delight to the senses with the sound of the water running along the levada, sun filtering through the forest canopy, continuous birdsong and the earthy smell of the fallen leaves. It is suitable for the whole family, and is a wonderful immersion in nature experience. The walk is 2.1 km and ends in the Queimadas park which now has a little tea house. The park itself has extensive grounds including a bird observation area and is wonderful to walk in especially in the summer. We caught fleeting glimpses of the trocaz pidgeon and heard them cooing in the forest canopy.

At Pico das Pedras there is a popular picnic spot with toilet facilities and parking for cars, but the turn off for the walk is located just before the picnic spot.

Getting There

By Car

Walking in Madeira – Ribeiro Frio to Balcões

The walk to Balcões starting in Ribeiro Frio is an easy walk through laurisilva forest alongside the Balcões levada. It is an out and back walk, with a wide path suitable for the whole family and is lovely and cool in summer with its overhanging branches. Balcões, a rocky protruding outcrop which serves as a belvedere, has views of the high peaks of Madeira and is reached after about 1.5kms. At Balcões (the word means balcony), the Madeiran chaffinch are always on show and are quite tame due to the number of visitors who feed them.

Getting there

By bus use the interurban service of the Horarios bus company (no 103/56):

Bus time tables